HR Consulting

HR Audits, Metrics, enhancements,support, structuring. From Policies & procedures manuals, job descriptions, workload assessments, process re-engineering and recruitment support to performance management systems, succession planning & talent management systems and beyond.

Focusing on core strengths provides organizations the input that their business deserves while we provide the rest.

From setting up HR departments to current structure enhancements or updates. From providing outsourced HR services to fractional support I..e. Senior HR executives as fractional (Shared) support. This approach makes it inexpensive to have senior HR experienced executives providing HR support to our clients like SME's or companies that do not have the critical mass for full blown HR departments, but would like to have some form of HR infrastructure for their existing employees.

Hrevolution: Take it as one may, Human Revolution or Human Resources Evolution, it makes sense to externalize this function as the politics, pressures, pre-concieved limitations internally do not apply to this external approach for managing the most important resource an organization has.

HR has come of age in the Middle East. Gone are the days when it was viewed as a payroll processing or visa stamping office. It has even moved up the ladder of evolution to an HR strategic partner stage. Now the next move is being contemplated. Business integration and competence optimization.

Many approaches. One focus. YOU.   

Articles & Interviews

test HR Re-wired: A reassessment of our focus and our approaches in HR. By Uzair Hassan HR Re-wired: A reassessment of our focus a

Ready for the new normal
Ready for the new normal?: The Beacon 6th Edition

Cognitive Dissonance Uzair Hassan 3h Solutions
Cognitive Dissonance Uzair Hassan 3h Solutions: Cl

August Spotlight: Uzair Hassan 3hsolutions Dubai
August Spotlight: Uzair Hassan 3hsolutions Dubai:

Palpable Mediocrity Uzair Hassan Ceo 3h Solutions Dubai
Palpable Mediocrity Uzair Hassan Ceo 3h Solutions

“The Seniority of Thought” Uzair Hassan 3hSolutions Group Dubai
“The Seniority of Thought” Uzair Hassa

August Spotlight: Uzair Hassan CEO 3h Solutions Consultancy
August Spotlight: Uzair Hassan CEO 3h Solutions Co

The democratization of knowledge
The Democratization of Knowledge

The World at Work – Uzair Hassan 3h Solutions Dubai
The World at Work – Uzair Hassan 3h Solution

Dichotomies Of Our Times Uzair Hassan 3h Solutions
Dichotomies Of Our Times Uzair Hassan 3h Solutions

DIGITAL NOISE Uzair Hassan 3h Solutions Dubai
DIGITAL NOISE Uzair Hassan 3h Solutions Dubai : Cl

Education: The state of affairs
Education: The state of affairs : Click here for d

PALPABLE MEDIOCRITY: Click here for download

Bukhatir Group interview on Leadership
Bukhatir Group interview on Leadership | Uzair Has

Strategic Thinking short presentation for Iyad
Strategic Thinking short presentation for Iyad |&n

JAH interview
JAH Talk Show | Training Effectiveness | Uzair Has

Bizpreneur” The case for entrepreneurship
“Bizpreneur” article: https://joo

“Bizpreneur” article:
“Bizpreneur” article: https://www

“Bizpreneur” Magazine
“Bizpreneur” article: Magazine link&nb

“Bizpreneur” Article: Article Lin

Launching a new concept Multi level "SALES

Strategic alliance partnership
A second strategic alliance partnership signed

Publication feature

New agreement in India signed
Signed a strategic alliance partner in India. C


“An enormous success! The entire experience was a “10”
Hesham Ali Mustafa - General Manager, EMGAS

“Program is excellent. Facilitator is excellent”
Fatima Ali – Procurement Analyst, GPC

Documents are downloadable

3H Introductory Deck
12 Week Leadership Development Journey
Activity Based Team Building
Leadership Journeys
Sales Excellence
Uzair Hassan Profile
Training Delivery Strategy Award
Accredited & Recognized Degrees & Courses